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Living in the Niagara Region surrounded by the bounty of fresh water the great lakes provides us makes it easy to forget about conserving our water. With only one percent of all the water available for our use, this should be a major priority. Conserving water can be done very easily with little cost and minimal effort. Watering the lawn and garden during the summer, accounts for more than 50 percent of the homes water consumption. This cost is becoming greater and greater with the increasing taxes we are facing.

There are many studies that show the same results can be achieved by using much less water correctly. Improper watering can do more harm to your lawn and plants than good. In some cases you would be better not watering at all or putting your hose in the sewer and let it run for an hour or so. I am not saying let your lawns turn brown or start growing cacti, I simply want to change the way you think about watering. It may cost a couple of dollars at first, but you will save on that water bill and your lawn and plants will thank you.

Here are 7 Simple Water Conserving tips for your Yard:

1) Water Early, preferably before 8 a.m. This will reduce on unwanted evaporation and give your plants a great head start on the heat of the day. If you can’t water in the early morning, an inexpensive timer would do wonders.

2) Keep your grass long! At least 2.5 to 3 inches in length will ensure the roots are sufficiently shaded, reducing unwanted evaporation

3) Top dress your lawn with a good quality loam. This adds organic matter to the soil which will help it retain moisture.

4) Keep your lawn and garden weed free! Weeds compete with the other plants for valuable water and put unwanted stress on our lawns.

5) Water your lawn deeply and less often as opposed to short quick bursts throughout the day. This will encourage deep roots that can withstand periods of less water and even drought.

6) Use Mulch, adding 2 inches of much to your gardens will reduce moisture loss as well as provide much needed organic nutrients to your plants. Mulching heavily shaded areas
of the lawn such as under trees where there is little chance grass will grow will save you from wasting large amount of water on a lost cause.

7) Try using a pulsating sprinkler, or low angle one as opposed to the misting sprinklers. The fine mist tends to evaporate in the sun well before the plants can absorb enough water.

Finally, a lawn only requires about 1 inch a week to sustain it, make sure to keep track of rain days so overwatering doesn’t happen. You can also collect the rain water using a rain barrel that connects straight to your down spout(s) and holds the water until you’re ready to use it. Water your plants, vegetables, and lawns all summer long, for free, using the water you’ve collected. Just think of the savings, if you don’t have to turn on your tap at all.

For more ways to conserve water contact
Tom Taylor, Owner / Construction Coordinator
Tree Amigos Landscaping Inc.