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Backyard LandscapeWhen your patio beckons, is it a comforting place, or do you feel you are missing a key feature?

We asked Tree Amigos staff to come up with the one thing that would improve any patio, regardless of budget size.

We got an overwhelming response with a couple of different answers: Fire feature, and water feature.

There are many choices for the style each of these features, from very simple fire pits or ponds and waterfalls to extremely ornate versions, but regardless of what they look like, each feature on its own can bring peace to all who enjoy your backyard oasis.

However, it’s when you combine the two features that you reap rewards in sensory luxury and tranquility. These two things don’t really go together in nature, but when they are juxtaposed, amazing things happen.

Imagine: As night falls and the fire feature becomes a visible focal point, the water feature fades from view, but remains in auditory focus. Together, the two bring a peaceful calm, where relaxation is key and balance is restored to a busy lifestyle.

Tree Amigos installed several water features last year, from simple waterfalls in staggered planters to full ponds or pools with formal waterfalls built from natural stone.

Waterfall Landscape BackgroundFire pits our expert staff designed and installed ranged from simple, tabletop versions powered by propane to full-sized wood-burning or propane-powered fire pits with seating for 12, built into a natural stone wall.

If you are thinking of adding peace to your backyard oasis, fire and water features fit the bill, and can be designed to suit any budget. April is the perfect month to start planning, so give us a call and request your consultation today!

Contact us by calling 905-937-5353. You can email questions to, or fill out the page to request a quote for services on our website, via